Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Change of Plans

Hey guys, we're going to cancel group tonight after all. Brini is taking me out for a birthday dinner!

See you next week!!!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


It's been a great summer so far. I've really enjoyed reading through and discussing the gospel of Matthew and the epistles Galatians & Ephesians. Next, we'll tackle Philippians and Colossians.

Tomorrow night, we'll start on Philippians. For bonus points, get a head start and read through Philippians before we meet! :)

Or, just watch this gripping video:

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

C+C Update...

Our Current Series
In April, we started a new series called, Books of the New Testament. The idea is to simply go through all the books of the New Testament, reading sections out loud, then asking questions and discussing the text. We started with the gospel of Matthew, and it has been awesome so far!

I have really enjoyed the discussions and insights from everyone. The simplicity of this format is refreshing: reading Scripture out loud then discusssing it.

Small Groups
At the beginning of the year, I highlighted the importance of small groups and invited everyone to consider joining the Guys Bible Study on Friday mornings or the Girls Bible Study on Saturday mornings.

I'd like to emphasize again the value of meeting in these smaller groups. I believe it is in the context of smaller, more intimate groups like these that we can:
  1. be more open and vulnerable with each other
  2. go more in depth with what we're studying
  3. build deeper relationships with one another

If you're not already attending a small group, please consider joining us.
The guys meet at Denny's (Blossom Hill) at 8am on Friday mornings.
The girls meet at Lora's house on Saturday mornings.

Camping Trip!
Our first ever C+C camping trip is coming up quickly! The dates are June 26-28. Visit the event page on facebook for all the details:

Staying Connected
Please fill out the following contact form if you'd like to continue getting reminders and information for the KingsWay College+Career group: FILL OUT CONTACT FORM Also, if you haven't already, please join our Facebook group!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

New Discussion Series

Tonight at C+C, we'll be kicking off a new discussion series on the books of the New Testament!

Back in April 2008, we began a series on the spiritual disciplines, and studied things like prayer, meditation, fasting, etc. We used the book, Celebration of Discipline by Richard Foster.
In September 2008, we finished the spiritual disciplines series, and began The Truth Project series - all about building a Christian worldview.

Both of those series were awesome. I believe they gave us tools for living the Christian life and for experiencing God in a deeper way.

Now, in April 2009, we're beginning a series that will take us through the books of the New Testament. We will start tonight with the gospel of Matthew.

If you'd like to prepare for our discussion tonight, please read Matthew chapters 1 & 2.

Looking forward to digging in!!!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


C+C has a new meeting location. We moved into a new house just down the street from where we used to live. See the map on the right hand side of this page.
New address: 6121 Springer Way, San Jose, CA 95123.

We will be meeting this Wednesday (March 4th) at 7pm!!! in our new home (please ignore all the packing boxes :)

Since we're going to be so busy unpacking and getting ready to host the group, can we make it a SNACK POTLUCK night? Everyone bring a snack or dessert to share, and we'll provide drinks.

We'll be watching the FINAL Truth Project Video:

Lesson 12 - Community and Involvement: God Cares, do I?
The ethical law and the meaning of the Christian life are summed up in the commandment to love God and one's neighbor. This command is the source of the believer's motivation for self-sacrificial service to the needy and their personal involvement in our culture.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Staying Connected

Hello friends,

Please fill out the following contact form if you'd like to continue getting reminders and information for the KingsWay College+Career group:


Also, if you haven't already, please join our Facebook group!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Vision for 2009

Last week, we started off the year with a great discussion on Vision for 2009. Here are some of the things we talked about:

1) Experiencing God's Presence.
We want to encounter God when we meet on Wednesday nights! If we're not experiencing God's presence in our group, then why are we even meeting? We will become more dedicated and intentional about times of worship and prayer.

2) Small Groups.
Dividing the girls and guys for prayer times creates a better atmosphere for sharing and praying together. Also, the guys have started meeting once a week on Friday mornings to have a Bible study. The girls talked about the possibility of starting a similar small group girls Bible study. We will place more emphasis on the importance of meeting in small groups during the week.

3) Building Relationships.
While experiencing God's presence may be the most important part of our meeting, building deep relationships is a close second. We discussed how easy it can become to show up on Wednesday nights but not really grow closer together as friends and as brothers and sisters in Christ. We will be designating the last Wednesday of each month to be a "Fellowship Night." We'll play games, eat pizza, and just hang out.

4) Reaching Out.
We discussed the need for our group to be serving the community in some way. We need volunteers to head up this part of our vision and find some ways our group can reach out. We also talked about inviting our friends to the group.

We discussed a lot of other things as well (like having a camping trip this summer), but those 4 things seemed to be the major points we covered. Did I miss anything?

Lord, help us follow through with this vision for 2009. Lead our group and let us be a blessing to You, to each other, and to our community.

Monday, October 13, 2008


at you can enter the rss feed for a blog and it will create a piece of art like this with the "most-used" words appearing bigger.
cool, huh?